Ancient History

Jezebel, the royal princess of Sedonia, a Pagan nation in the Middle East, was married to King Ahab of Israel, a neighboring Jewish nation. During their marriage Ahab converted to Jezebel's belief system that included gender equality. At that time, Judaism excluded women from religious authority and therefore, Ahab outlawed Judaism in Israel. Rebellion occurred. And, as history shows, Pagans lost the war. Jezebel was murdered and Ahab was exiled.
Jezebel was sent as an emissary for peace to create harmony when one religion desired domination over another. However, because she persuaded a King, Jezebel became known as a seductress. Although she was never known to be unfaithful, she later became the synonym for slut. With the destruction of a gender equal belief system, virtually all women role models like Jezebel were either banished from the record or degraded.